Wednesday, January 1, 2020

October 24, 2019 - "Saw my PCP Tuesday, hallelujah"

Dear Angels,

I want to say again that if you are receiving this email you are one of the many angels The Most High God has put in my life. I'm forever grateful for this. 

I've promised many, and had more than a few request, that I would keep them posted. So, I continue.

My PCP, Katherine W. Jones M.D., was precisely what I needed since she always trusts my gut and research, as well as my acute internal awareness. The only thing she was alarmed about was when I told her I hadn't had my morning carrot-juice drink for a couple of weeks. She is a very informed, particularly for a doctor, and also knew of my morning eating regimen, which she fully supports--I've been eating plant-based for nearly four years. She admonished me to put the juice back into my routine since it had been helping me have stellar yearly physicals for nearly four years. I started doing that yesterday. She prescribed a new med (muscle relaxer) to try to work on the 'neuralgia type' pain I have behind my right eye. It works a little, but adding aspirin proved to sand off the sharp edges of the pain enough to function...especially eating, which had been affected. I'm slowly gaining weight, and I am hoping to get back the 20 lbs. that I've lost over the past couple of months due to nausea, which I believe is brought on by the headache. I'm a tad better now and actually had a pretty big breakfast with no problems....I only need to take that first bite, and then all is well and normal.

Even though Dr. Jones had nothing bad to say about the oncologist which I had seen, she did say that we can consider that door closed. She wrote me a referral to a very state-of-the-art Radiology Oncologist who uses pinpoint radiation to avoid collateral damage to surrounding organs. She is concerned as I am about this. The esophagus, trachea, and heart are all in harm's way, radiation-wise. It was my idea, but she seemed to embrace it as hers. This is why my sit-down with her was so uplifting and hope-filled.

After I've had my consultation with the new specialist, I'll write more. It's really not feasible for me to send individual emails, or try to talk with dozens of loved ones on the phone. I still welcome responses or questions. I'm not going to isolate that way.

Peace, Love, and Have a Wonderfilled Day,
Ken (a/k/a Grateful Ken)

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