Wednesday, January 1, 2020

November 20, 2019 - "As I learn more, I'll share it with you

Hello, Angels.

Today, I went to the facility where I had the PET Scan in September and picked up my complimentary copy of the images and two-page report. I'll take it to the Radiology Oncologist tomorrow for their files. They should already have all the other tests and updated X-rays by now, from my PCP's office and I've filled out all my paperwork online and submitted it, so a fifteen-minute sign in is all they seem to need from me. That, and my copay. Initial conversations with a very informative and helpful financial department served me well, and my fear that the fees would be in the tens of thousands of dollars were put to rest. It will probably be thousands, but nothing like my initial thoughts. It's pretty state of the art, and there aren't many facilities that do this version of radiation, so it's understandable. Thankfully, Medicare covers 80%.

I'll write more after I have my visit tomorrow, and have taken some time to think about what I'll learn. Meanwhile, I have a couple of funny thoughts to share. First, in response to "You're in my thoughts and prayers", I like a very funny comedian from my home town of Chicago who kinda dealt with it in a dark-humored way, which is right up my alley.

On the subject of "If there's anything I can do...", for just a brief moment I thought about starting a Go Fund Me account, and responding, "If everybody threw in five or ten bucks we could knock these copays right outta the box." Much as I like irreverent and dark humor, I thought better about that one pretty quickly. I don't need anybody's money. This whole "life event" is in bigger hands and much better control than anything limited to this Earth, as I've said before, and I genuinely believe that.

I hope my macabre sense of humor hasn't put anybody off too much. I am full of Gratitude, but also some other traits.

Love and Blessings to you all.


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