Wednesday, January 1, 2020

October 14, 2019 - "Another day off with pay; another visit with a specialist"visit

Hello Angels,

After visiting with the oncologist, I am not feeling so good about my "team". If you've ever had a salesman try to "assume the sale" and try to get you to sign on the dotted line, you'll know what I'm feeling right now. So far, TN Oncology is already sold on chemo and radiation combined. The oncologist I spoke with tried to sell me on setting up the 'port' (for the injections of chemo) before I even sit down with the Radiology Oncologist. Bad form, as they say in Britain. That's my current take. Tomorrow, I push with my PCP for that sit-down she promised if things felt wrong, even just a little, to me.

Warning:  Trying to sell me on something you haven't even convinced me of yet is a good way to raise the warrior in me, and go to battle. I'm not closing my mind, but I'm saying "no" to a number of things right now. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ton of studying to do. Wish me luck. I'm actually feeling stronger today than I have in a good while, and am enjoying food again after getting off the narcotics. They were actually increasing the pain and making me sick. Go figure; they worked so well on my shingles last April. Thank the pulmonologist for that info, who is also the most upbeat and hopeful of all those I have seen in the past two months.

I'll get more detailed in the near future, but right now I'm in battle mode.

Love y'all,

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