Wednesday, January 1, 2020

December 16, 2019 - "Quick update, clarification, and admonishment"

Good Morning, Angels (very early, in fact)

I've been calling out of work since Tuesday's appointments (I have Wed and Thur off) and will do so today as well. The difficulty breathing with this mass in my chest is too much for me to expect to be able to walk around the store and do what I do there. So far, they "have my back" and all is well. They understand the situation and work with me accordingly. I'm cleared to go back if I want to until treatments begin, which will probably commence around this Thursday.

I've been hearing from some that they are concerned that their responses to my emails might be taxing on my energy resources, and I wanted to address that. I love writing; it's been a passion of mine for many years. It is not overwhelming or taxing at all, although my time is often being used lately for rest and rehabilitation, so the responses may not come immediately so that you know. On the other hand, talking physically is very taxing and often creates a coughing spasm with attendant pain and severe shortness of breath. That can not be addressed until after the radiosurgery on the brain. So I limit phone calls these days to next to none, except with the specialists' offices and related phone calls. Once the lung mass can be dealt with, I understand that this discomfort will change. I look forward to it.

I wanted to be sure I had the email BCC list correct, so if for any reason these emails are taxing to you, then please let me know and I'll take you off the list. No harm; no foul. I'm just going by my impaired memory right now (related to the prefrontal lobe, as it turns out), as to who wanted to be on the list, but I'm viable and cognizant enough to comply with a request of that nature. 

Finally, although nobody seems to have caught it yet, I juxtaposed the term 'millimeters' with 'centimeters'. The brain tumor is just under 30 millimeters, not centimeters. Just small enough (by a fraction of one millimeter) to allow for radiosurgery. It amounts to about 1 & 1/16th inches, NOT eleven plus inches. That would be huge. My bad. Anyhow, details like that bug me until I correct them. 

I'm going to try to rest more now but wanted to put that out there this morning. It's kinda my M.O. to be clear, or as my martial arts training always called it, "True and Correct". (I still do my highest form most every morning, but a low impact version more in a Tai Chi kind of way) I intend to go on living as normally as possible until further notice, including that part of my morning regimen.

As always, love and blessings, from me to you. Feel free to contact me, except by voice-phone or Facetime. If you have my phone number, texts are fine. If you are on Facebook, Instant Messenger is also fine.

As I recently said on Facebook, in a post using a recent Halloween photo of me (which I believe resembles my ancestors, which my father always told me about) "May the Great Spirit smile on you; today and every day".

Love Genuinely,
Ken (former warrior, Chief Running Mouth)

indian photo enhanced.jpg
The warrior outfit is from a costume shop in the UK (via eBay) and the choker is beaded and handmade by the Cherokee Lodge (my heritage, I'm told) and includes a hand-carved buffalo bone arrowhead and two replica bear claws. (Illinois has laws about using and shipping actual claws) I enhanced the original color photo with a tint called "Silver Plate", which I thought resembled an old 1890s photograph.

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