Wednesday, January 1, 2020

November 14, 2019 - "Quick Update"

Good morning, my angels. (not mine, exactly, but I think you know what I mean) Many want me to communicate any changes, large or small, so I thought I'd mention a couple of things.

Having a broken phone, for the better part of two weeks, put me behind the eight-ball with getting messages on the number that most people have. This, unfortunately, includes all the doctors. Thank God I had my new phone in time to get the message from the very busy office of my PCP. They pulled some strings, and I'm going soon to the Radiology Oncologist of my choosing. He was booked up way into the future, but somehow my beloved PCP got me in a week from today. I've just filled out all the paperwork online, and I'm all ready to consult. I look forward to it and am glad it's on one of my days off. The timing of the phone and things like the scheduling I just mentioned might seem to be 'fortuitous' to some, but I see no accidents or coincidences involved here. There's a larger plan in play, I believe. End of sermon.

I went to the Pain Management Group appointment yesterday afternoon, and am impressed with the doctor on my case. He coupled his knowledge with the info I gave him, about this headache, and came up with a diagnosis that totally makes sense to me: Occipital Neuralgia, unrelated to my cancer. He said he's told his patients, "It's possible to have two unrelated things going on at once." I think he's right. After I consult with the Oncologist, I'll know better what I'm going to do about this chronic headache. Options include a nerve block and a small dose of nerve-pain medicine, which according to my research--so far--seems prudent and relatively problem-free. At least the meds are seemingly safe, is what I mean.

Thanks for all the prayers, good wishes, and comments. I have much to be grateful for, including you.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (for now)

Love always,

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