Wednesday, January 1, 2020

December 13, 2019 - "All I Know As Of Today"

Dear Angels,

Because so many of you angels are "prayer-warriors" who share with others my situation for them to pray for, and because many have asked for specifics so their prayers would be more 'focused' so to speak, I've decided to share all I know today. I've left things out over the past few days because I didn't know enough to not risk alarming certain of you loved ones, but today I am more hopeful and peaceful than since this ordeal first began. So, here's the straight poop as of the moment, which I hope you will read to the end:

Tuesday, the medical oncologist (Dr. Blakely) ordered an MRI, after the insertion of the portacath, to check on my brain. Up until today, I thought it was due to my neuralgia headache, but I heard her say yesterday (and heard Dr. Paul Rosenblatt today) say that "lung cancer likes to go to the brain." In my case, this is what happened. I now have Stage 4 lung cancer that has metastasized to the right prefrontal lobe of my brain. When I went for the follow-up yesterday, Dr. Blakely said the game had changed and she and Dr. James Gray (the proton therapy radiologist) were stepping back and sending me to team members at St Thomas (state of the art) Neuro Oncologist/Radiologist/Surgeons, due to a lesion on the brain. They rushed me in today. I had a new, more detailed MRI and a new CT scan to form a game plan. 

I got to see the images and it's amazing what they found. The tumor (lesion) in one centimeter small enough for radiosurgery to be possible. Standard brain surgery would be required had it been just a fraction larger. I still spoke with the brain surgeon (Dr. Spooner) who basically told me his technique of laser surgery thru a small hole in the right temple but indicated that it wasn't much more effective at this moment or less dangerous (all brain surgery has risks) and actually agreed with Dr. Rosenblatt that it was--at this moment--about 50-50 in terms of viability. They actually left it to my decision. I chose the pin-point radiosurgery. It offers one-centimeter variance, which just happens to also be the space they'll need to account for the blood pumping and changing the shape of the mass during the radiation. It is amazingly precise, and Dr. Gray has signed off on it and actually chosen to step back. St Thomas is one of the hospitals that has had enough money pumped into it to afford the equipment that offers this kind of precision. During the CT scan, which will be digitally 'married' to the latest MRI (also more precision than my previous two MRI scans), a mask was created to lock my head perfectly in place for the procedure, which will be three sessions every other day. This will probably commence in about a week after the planning is complete and the images combined. 

I've had every question I could think of answered, and I am thoroughly impressed by their combination of candor, professionalism, and genuine show of concern and care for me. During my lunch in the cafeteria, they were actually looking me up on the Internet and were watching videos of me playing music. On top of that, these guys are consummate pros in every sense of the word. I genuinely like them, and trust them.

The lung mass will be dealt with shortly after this phase is over, but the brain tumor took major priority in every single one of these great team-members' minds. I find myself loving them all. I'll know more as this time quicky passes, which it seems to be doing. I'll share pertinent details as they come to light.

As for my beliefs, they have not changed but rather been firmed up. The Great Spirit is directing the play, and the players are so excellent at their craft that I find it hard to worry at all. I don't rule out the prayer, or good thoughts, light, love, and all the things people have expressed to me. My video about the sandwich was my sense of humor. I am not cynical about anything today. Many of you angels have told me of the 'prayer-circles' I am now included in. Yesterday, I learned my situation has reached a circle that actually encompasses the globe. This could be part of the miracle of how this is all coming together to a place where Hope is genuinely indicated. I couldn't be in better hands, or have more Love washing over me. I'm full of Gratitude that I am so blessed. Please don't worry. Join me in entertaining the depth of Hope and Peace I feel today, whatever your personal beliefs may be.

I'll be more forthcoming with information, as I learn of it. I think of new questions every day plus nothing is actually totally predictable ever, including this particular story.

I love you all. Each and every one. There are more, and I add their email addresses to the BCCs I send as I see that they aren't on the list, but I hide nothing now, so your silence is not being asked for or alluded to. I still feel that social media (i.e. Facebook) is not a forum for anything this personal, though, and I will act accordingly.

Peace, Love, and Blessings to all the Angels: You, the unseen, and those who didn't get this email today.


p.s. If you have any questions, please read this again. I am pretty sure I have shared everything I know of at the moment. I could be wrong. I think I've been wrong a couple of times in the past.

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