Wednesday, January 1, 2020

November 24, 2019 - "Happy Sunday Angels"

I guess I'm moving from frivolity to seriousness today. Thanks to everyone for being so playful and funny with responses to my last email. I needed that.

Firstly, I've never met a more impressive, friendly, compassionate, and knowledgeable bunch as the folks at Provision Cares. My conversations with a number of specialists, and finally the Radiology Oncologist, were everything I needed. They do not want to wait to move forward. All that was left was the okay from Medicare, and now that's finalized. Proton Therapy is state of the art, but extremely expensive. Normal radiation, which would endanger peripheral tissue as I've mentioned, tops out at about $12,000, whereas Proton Radiation tops out at ten times that. The danger to peripheral organs, including my heart, is minimized as compared with standard radiation, so I'm glad it worked out financially.

The Radiology Oncologist (Proton Therapy Specialist and MD, Dr. James Gray) was personable and kind, but very no-nonsense. Apparently, my situation is serious and there's no guarantee that rogue cancer cells have not moved from the tumor in the right lung to other parts of the body. Although there is no evidence of metastasis on the PET scan or other tests, he was clear that that doesn't mean that all is well outside the right lung. To avoid this cancer coming back after they zap the tumor with Proton Therapy, they want to do chemotherapy in concert with the radiation. Chemo, he explained, would chase down any cancer outside the lung and greatly increase my chances of survival. He made total sense, and I can't argue with his expertise. The cancer has already found its way into a lymph node in the lung, which puts the lymph system itself in jeopardy. He was clear that he doesn't want to wait until after the Holidays. Everything has been left up to me, and I get total respect from every professional I saw last week, but they seem to be bent on saving my life and I'm pretty convinced that I should let them try.

I am genuinely full of Love and Gratitude today, as I realize I am out of moves. I am now more in Heavenly Hands than ever. As Dr. Gray said Thursday, "You always hear about the bad experiences with cancer treatments, but not much about the positive ones. It's much like the fact that you hear about all the terrible car crashes, but not about the millions of people who got home safely." That one sticks with me solidly, right now. I trust this guy and have no fight with anyone or anything today. Hopefully, that means 'anymore'. That's the desire of my heart. 

Probably not much room for suggestions at this point, since the train has left the station, I'm on it, and it's moving. I'm on for the ride. However, if you care to wish me luck, then thank you. If you care to pray for me, then thank you. If you care to send Light or Positive Vibes, then thank you. If you care to send me a message or ask questions, then no problem. I'm in "energy conservation mode", as you might imagine, but I'll try and not be a stranger. Because of the possibility of fatigue, nausea, pain, and who-knows-what, I may not be as quick on the draw with my messages as in times past. For that, I apologize in advance.

The responses I've gotten so far have made it clear that I am not alone, on this 'journey'. So, thank you for being with me. 

Love genuinely,

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